Use "as regards|as regard" in a sentence

1. Although sometimes considered poor substitutes for about or Concerning, the phrases as regards, in regard to, and with regard to are standard and occur in all varieties of spoken and written English, especially in business writing: As regards your letter of January 19

2. He regards them as nothing, as an unreality.

3. Apprizes: as in respects, regards

4. Safeguard Regulation as regards Aflatoxins

5. The Camarilla regards the Anarchs as …

6. He regards himself as a patriot.

7. - one percentage point as regards moisture content,

8. As regards that,I'll break with her.

9. Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.

10. Is there any stipulation as regards qualifications?

11. Farmers regard foxes as vermin.

12. As regards the first point in your letter ...

13. - acoustic measurements, in particular as regards sound-proofing,

14. Leon regards keeping fit as a serious business.

15. Least, as regards Anticyclones, was challenged by Dr

16. Tumin regards this as a very questionable assumption.

17. I have little information as regards his past.

18. Both should enjoy the same rights (notably as regards access to lists of electors) and be similarly accountable (notably as regards reporting).

19. As a adjective Beforehand is (obsolete) in comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded.

20. Some people regard nudity as offensive.

21. As a adjective Beforehand is (obsolete) in comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded

22. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) regards this genealogy as spurious.

23. 16 The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.

24. Lakota tradition regards the Badger as an Earth Animal

25. I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

26. There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

27. She regards the marriage ceremony as a quaint anAchronism

28. As regards his weapons,... he has absolutely no idea.

29. 22 We regard your action as a crime/as criminal.

30. the airlines' responsibilities as regards passengers and public authorities in the event of transcription or encoding errors and as regards protection of the data processed,

31. the airlines' responsibilities as regards passengers and public authorities in the event of transcription or encoding errors and as regards protection of the data processed

32. As regards temporary work, subsidiarity must be adhered to, as the rapporteur pointed out.

33. As regards their equipment, as techniques have advanced, inefficient machines have been systematically "scrapped".

34. Gourmets regard it as an exceptional delicacy.

35. His colleagues regard him as a joke.

36. The citizens regard him as their hero.

37. On the other hand, he regards Desdemona as his idolater.

38. - establishment of appropriate standards as regards labelling, presentation and advertising,

39. As regards John, I will write to him at once.

40. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.

41. 15 Regard international as unified plant nomenclature.

42. As regards the specific dates, etc., those were not discussed.

43. What does the expression “threefold cord” mean as regards marriage?

44. As regards RDF waste, the compensation for acquisition costs must be considered as disproportionate too.

45. Countries such as Ukraine, in what Russia regards as its sphere of influence, are nervous.

46. We regard labor as a matter of honour.

47. In what ways has Christ refined his followers as regards morals?

48. 9 His colleagues regard him as a joke.

49. 3 I regard him as my sheet anchor.

50. as regards total or actual alcoholic strength, a tolerance of ± #,# % volume

51. He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.

52. He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.

53. I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.

54. As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.

55. As regards pollution, old diesel-engined vehicles are the worst offenders.

56. That has an effect as regards the admissibility of the action, as I shall now demonstrate .

57. First, as regards usefulness, older people continue to perform useful services.

58. She regards class conflict as a central dynamic of historical change.

59. I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.

60. You foresight not to regard as very difference.

61. Do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?

62. Many historians, of course, regard this as iniquitous.

63. They regard overpopulation as a danger to society.

64. The rebels regard the official parliament as illegitimate.

65. We regard the band as a thorough shambles.

66. Did he regard the account of Jonah as “a satire,” as “downright absurd”?

67. 16 As a disciple, one must regard one's guru as an enlightened being.

68. The catalyst has excellent catalytic characteristics as regards to nitric oxide such as activity, selectivity and stability.

69. as regards total or actual alcoholic strength, a tolerance of ± 0,2 % volume;

70. — as regards total or actual alcoholic strength, a tolerance of ± 0,2 % vol.,

71. amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards rates of value added tax

72. - as regards total or actual alcoholic strength, a tolerance of ± 0,2 % vol,

73. There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear.

74. up to # % of actual costs as regards investment in non-productive features

75. each third party offers adequate guarantees as regards the recovery of amounts;

76. Financial control as regards participants from Liechtenstein in activities of the Agency

77. a source from 1528 regards the "steinsitz" as a cosy ale house.

78. - as regards total or actual alcoholic strength, a tolerance of ± 0,2 % vol.,

79. They regard admitting loneliness as weakness, as ridiculous and as an expression of a lack of manliness.

80. Contemporary academic puritans regard studentprofessor intimacies as inherently exploitative.